Rants And Raves

The Secret, inner thoughts and mental manipulations of a professional truck driver, novice writer, poet, author, composer, arranger, and concert musician/conductor.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

AudioBlogger Test Update-Nothing Major

this is an audio post - click to play

The AudioBlogger is working, but I have to remember a telephone number I no longer have in order to access this feature. I will test it when I figure out how to update the numbers.

Meanwhile, visit the 360 page for today's current news.


Sunday, January 29, 2006

State of the Union


This coming Tuesday, on January 31st, 2006, the sitting President of these United States, George W. Bush, will deliver what portends to be the most significant public address of his life.

I was going to attempt to rebut, significant item by significant item, the expected verbiage of that delivery. I believe I could present a rebuttal that would, difficult as it may seem, effectively present an opposing view to virtually every word the President says. I know that may sound arrogant, and if that’s the way you take it, I apologize. There is, however, another way of looking at that statement. If I can deliver such a rebuttal, then it just must not be so terribly difficult a task to ponder. And, yes, Virginia, that IS the way I meant it.

Although the words may be written by those who have superior speech-writing skills, they will be delivered by a man whose ability to orate, publicly (yes, it is legal) is at the very best questionable. And, as has been so pointedly addressed towards me, if the people cannot understand what you mean to say, they will pay little or no attention to what you actually DO say.

In the preparation of my rebuttal, I actively tested the words on someone of what I believe to be approximately equal to the President in their policy and oratory skills. Sadly, I had to stop short when her third grade teacher made her come in from recess.

Rather than not only pick apart the speech, the man, and the administration (which would, I promise you not only be devastatingly effective, but also one heck of a good time!), I am going to honor the original caveat of this Blog: I will be honest to my greater goal.

Let me preface this with just a quick, general statement of belief on my part. It is MY belief. It is ONLY my opinion. No, there is no need for a rant warning this time!

This speech has been, throughout the history of our nation, the most singularly significant communication which a sitting President can make to the people he leads. Decades, and even Centuries of study are meticulously sacrificed to the exhaustive evaluation and study of the words uttered upon this occasion by the most learned men and women of the World. The American “State of the Union” Address is, without exception, the most studied speech in the Universe (or at least that part that we know about).

Hundreds of historians and scholars are, even as you read this, studying the first State of the Union address delivered by our very first President, George Washington. This Address (SOTU) is not merely a cornerstone of our nation. Economic fortunes are created and lost within 24 hours of its delivery. Governmental re-alignments multi-laterally occur because of these particular words uttered, whether stumbled over or powerfully delivered.

Hundreds of thousands of individual lives within the borders of this very country are indelibly affected by this address. Social dictates judicial proclivities, religious fervor, military advancements, scientific discoveries, medical breakthroughs, technological achievements—all these and so many more real life parameters are nudged and/or jolted because of this speech.

Do you really believe that?

It’s a very simple question that, I believe deserves your undivided attention and honest answer. That's alright, go right ahead and ponder. I will wait.

If you DO believe it, then are you willing to sacrifice the amount of time required to either watch, or listen to (SOTU) in its entirety?

And, furthermore, will you seriously attend the words of this President, and study not only their meaning but their impact on your daily life?

Will you exercise your liberty, your freedom, and your civic responsibility as an American Citizen—just this much? (Go ahead. Ponder. I will wait. You KNEW there was gonna be a test!)

Regardless of your political affiliation, social condition, spiritual advancement, financial status or emotional level, this speech WILL impact your life for the years to come. Exercise your franchise!

Evaluate the words; discern not what is said, but rather what is meant. You are invited to take action upon what you decide—here.

Leave a comment on the SOTU Address. Is that really so very much to ask, considering how much you believe all that I just said?

Even if you categorically deny the truth of these words, offer an opposing view. If nothing else, you will feel like you participated in the process. And voicing your opinion IS citizenship! That alone would make an historical difference in the future of our Nation.

Vox Populi!


Saturday, August 13, 2005

When Freedom Becomes a Tyrant

During the American Revoution, and during every armed conflict the American military found itself a principle player-through the war in Vietnam, the ethereal concept called Freedom held a pivotal position.

First, the defining role of Freedome was purely the gaining of it by a rag-tag collection of criminals, mentally ill idealists, and other "undesireables of the realm". In 1776, the young "Colonists" declared its birth for themselves. The new America was hesitantly admitted onto the World stage as nothing more than an interesting, sometimes entertaining oddity among the monarchical, tzarist, and Dictatorial principal players. As an understudy with an amost laughable twist on the well-established notions of societal rule, Freedom's light struggled patiently, waiting its turn, waiting in the wings. Freedom observed its superiors, avidly absorbing the lessons taught through the painful experiences of other nations. Taking note of the losses through the failure of others, Freedom learned these sad lessons. She also learned, t her own preat cost, lessons of cost, and cause.

Yet, as time went by Freedom beame, more and more, a sought commodity. Prima Donnas were seeking her out, and even those arrogant stars of the World stage listened closely, as Freedom spoke her carefully crafted lines, and sang her songs of hope to an all-too-interested audience. From understudy, Freeom became a Star in her own right. Hers was a strong voice, with an undeniable message that required acknowledgement. Her lessons had been carefully, lovingly won at an horrific cost. She was NOT to be ignored.

And, in what seemed to be all-too-short a time, Freedom herself became THE shining star of the World stage. Sought by every house on the Circuit, she was lauded, applauded, and treated as the spectacular sensation which she had proven herself to be.

She was demure, shy and alluring. Freedom never went where she was not invited, and Lady Freedom NEVER strayed far from her home stage. She did not wish to lose her way, her purpose, her humility-or her way home.

She had starring roles in the greatest performances the World has ever witnessed. In virtually every Theatre of note, her song sang out clearly, bringing her light of hope, peace, justice and prosperity to audiences starving-and dying-to know the truth she brought.

Her performances were not always perfect, yet her delivery was so extrememly superior to all the other players on the stage that Freedom inevitably won the admiration of the entire World.

Even those few actores on the World stage who di not admire Freedom gave her respect. And, as she continued her back-breaking schedule of starring role performances, she was consistently viewed as the very best of the very best. Powerful, and full of grace, Freedom stopped the show--every time! One of her finest points in each performance was that, of all the actors on the stage, and of all the roles she was called upon to play, Freedom never had an Understudy of her own. She never missed a Curtain call, or sang a weak note, forgot a line, or took a day off. Who else could take her place? What member of the cast would DARE attempt her role?

While an admitted youngster of the Troupe, Freedom's light shone so brightly as to humble the Sun itself, it was said. She simply had no equal in the cast of (it seemed) in the celestial universe.

One day, following a glorious performance for Europe, and a thunderous ovation in Japan, Freedom finally got a Sunday off. And, on that one lone moment of rest, Freedom made what some today say was a mistake most unfortunate. On that Sunday, Freedom read her Reviews. And Freedom liked-very much indeed-what she read.

To the utter sadness of her most loyal and devoted fans, Freedom began believing her own "Press". She began thinking more of her own worth than she ought. The strain of stardom began to show on her face, and in her performance. Her lines began being delivered as muted, nearly disinterested tones. Her songs got thin, and some said they seemed self-serving. Like the young, incomplete teenager she was, Freedom began showing signs of rebellion.

She refused to play in some Theatres, even when requested many times-because she deemed them unworthy of her talent, her stardom, or her "worth". When she DID accept a role it was to the dismay, embrassment, and humiliation of her dearest fans. Freedom began to require payment in advance, with no guarantee of performance on her part. And, she walked off the stage a time or two, crying that her audiences wer unworthy of her or beneath her. Even against the strongest admonitions of her Director, her Agent, and above all her international repute, Freedom became selfish, demanding, and tempermental To the sad despair of those who needed her most, Freedom slowly developed into a completely self-centered brat!!

Predictably, with no player strong enough, clever enough, or interested enough to offer direction or control over her, Freedom's rebellion grows still yet today. She has started demanding! She requires attention for herself. She displays attitudes of meanness, even to her most loyal and deserving fans. A shocked World watched as Freedom, now a totally self-absorbed young adult, has invited herself onto stages uninvited, playing roles completely of her own design-without the first consideration of her audiene the play, or the players. Declaring herself worthy, simply because of her existence, Freedom dashes on, and off the stage with impunity whenever she wishes. She shoves aside her fellow actors, most often hurling verbal assaults on her way past. When challenged, or when finding no compensation sufficient, Freedom now merely TAKES what she things she deserves with little or no thought of cost, or consequence. Any player who dares to confront her, or to hold her accountable for her selfish behaviour is crushed beneath the still-overwhelming feet that once made footprints the World followed willingly.

Today, amidst the braying and self-aggrandizement of a small number of groupies who count their worth solely by their back-stage passes, and their access to the "diva"'s boudoire, Freedom has learned to love the sound of her own voice. "It is, because I SAY it is!" Thisnewest theme song is out of character fro Freeom, an is a role she is not perfoming well at all. Her movements are stilted and not comfortable for her yet Freedom demands the appalue and adulation of the World. "Or ELSE!!" She pouts, shaking her fist. Freedom threatens now with a promise to appear is she does not get her way, or sufficient payment. She demands those things to which she is not now, nor has ever been, entitled. Her "mandatory" appearance fees are soaring, and are second only to the cost she exacts to stay away.She has become an embarrassment.

Freedom has become a tyrant.

The entire cast knows it, and with each passing moment, they are joyously plotting her demise.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of this entire epic is the shameful silence of those who are today, as has been the case since Freedom made her debut on the World stage, her keepers.

Freedom was Given her light, she di not create it. Wer words are prepared by a cadre of writers; they re not ditated by her. Hers is, as it has always been, an assigned role, not one she alone may choose. Every person who, since the bginning of her career, has basked in her goodness is her keeper. Freedom has no independent self, or self-worth. She is singular. Freedom has no siblings, and no undestudy. Freeom's glory oes not come from within herself, but from each of those whose sacrifice, dedication, and single purpose have fed, and nurtured her.

Freedom has, indeed, become a Tyrant.

It is we who MUST respond. It is we who have failed, and failed Lady Freedom. It is we who must hold Freedom accountable. And, if she is to survive, it is we, her keepers who must do this incredibly difficult task NOW.

Friday, March 18, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

In For A Minute

Rants And Raves

I have just returned from a long week, and 8480 miles on the road. I will catch you up as soon as I get through the 600 + emails waiting for me. It has been a good time, but I am grateful for a moment at home.

I hope you are all well.


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Out for Eight, In for 1.5, and back out for Eight!

Rants And Raves

I have learned many things in the past eight days. Some of them, I have learned all over again for the very first time.

Six months out of the truck made the first week back inside the truck very interesting, with some moments of terror punctuating the long stretches of isolation and solitude.

Audio Blogger is not a toll free number, and is not readily accessible from the average pay phone, for instance. This is, to my way of thinking, stupid. But, perhaps that's how they can afford to offer us a free service. Still and yet, I won't be able to send you audio updates from the road for a little bit.

The past days took me to Mishawauka, Indiana, North Carolina, and Minnesota over the past weekend. I would love to thank all my rabidly faithful Minnesota fans and readers for the special gift of the freakin' blizzard they had waitin' on me. But, as it came at the end of the first week back in the truck, I was pretty much able to deal with it by the time I got to it. The very, very slow trip out was a real test of patience, but it gave me a real sense of your enduring love for me, and will not be soon forgotten. Not anywhere NEAR soon.

One day back is a real challenge, when you are trying to maintain a not altogether "put together" life, friends. It has been every bit as much work, and twice as tiring, as running the highways.

Originally, I was set to visit West Coxsackie, New York tomorrow night. Yes, Virginia, there really IS such a place. But, the humor of the travel Gods (and my Driver Manager, whom is my best friend here in Indiana) seemed to be merely playing with my emotions for nothing more than their own amusement. Now, it seems, I will be doing my part to load the local market shelves in Greencastle and Milton Pennsylvania over the next couple of days.

Another 8 or so days out on the road, and we will see what we shall see. No major news to report, other than the fact that I did learn upon my return home that a dear friend, noted Journalist Hunter "Gonzo" Thompson had committed suicide. This greatly saddens me. I hope he has found the peace he so long sought, and could not find here. I will surely miss him, and the most wonderful times we shared in Colorado over the past thirty years.

I will update as, and when, I can. Keep me and my Guardian Angels in your prayers. Their wings are a little frayed after this past week's adventure. They, too, wish to thank the good people of Minnesota for the unfortunate effects of frozen wings....oh, how we do so love you.

Live yer Bliss!


Friday, February 11, 2005

A Word from Your Host

this is an audio post - click to play

Real Life Gettin' In My Way

Things go as they go.

It looks like, despite my best efforts, that I am being called back to the road for a time. I do not know, yet can only imagine, the dramatic impact this will have on my web writings. I will, of course, write every day. Then, I will transcribe them into one or the other of my Journals, and post them as I can. I will tell you where I am, and why. Perhaps it is time for more research. (Like I need more research!)

I will keep you informed, as and when I can. Please keep me in your prayers as I travel. I will most surely keep you in mine.

Live yer bliss!
